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XGP Semi-automatic Type Washing Machines

  • XGP Semi-automatic Type Washing Machines
  • XGP Semi-automatic Type Washing Machines
  • XGP Semi-automatic Type Washing Machines
  • XGP Semi-automatic Type Washing Machines
  • XGP Semi-automatic Type Washing Machines
  • XGP Semi-automatic Type Washing Machines

XGP semi-automatic type washing machines are developed by taking reference to the same kind most advanced machines currently , suitable for washing soft cotton, linen,blended fabric,etc. As an indispensable and advanced equipment for washing industry in hospitals, hotels, military units, factories ETC. These machines are featured by simple construction, stable operation, small space occupation, no damage to clothes, and made by stainless steel cylinder without contaminating the clothes being washer.

Model XGP-11 XGP-20 XGP-30 XGP-55 XGP-100 XGP-120
Capacity 5 9 14 25 45 54
Cylinder Size  φ400×480 φ550×600 φ600×680 φ640×760 φ800×960 φ900×1050
Cylinder Thickness 2 2 2 2 2 2
Power 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 1.5 1.5
Water-consuming 85 95 110 160 260 320
Steam-consuming 11 13 15 18 36 44
Electric-consuming 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 1.1 1.5
Diamension 1160*700*920 1270*800*1100 1400*880*1130 1470*920*1170 1750*1050*1200 1860*1150*1200
Net Weight 150 230 240 340 500 600

Model XGP-150 XGP-200 XGP-450 XGP-550 XGP-600 XGP-800
Capacity 68 90 200 250 270 360
Cylinder Size  φ1000×1000 φ1000×1200 φ1100×2260 φ1220×2260 φ1320×2200 φ1320×3100
Cylinder Thickness 2 2 3 4 4 4
Power 2.2 2.2 5.5 7.5 7.5 11
Water-consuming 370 480 950 1200 1300 1700
Steam-consuming 55 73 164 182 218 290
Electric-consuming 1.5 2.2 5.5 7.5 7.5 11
Diamension 1750*1350*1650 1950*1380*1700 3240*1600*1800 3200*1800*1950 3400*1900*2050 4100*1940*2050
Net Weight 650 700 1500 1900 2000 2500

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